Nicole Sparks and Lauren Walker Present at 57th Annual Teratology Society Meeting in Denver, CO
This past week Nicole and Lauren presented their most recent work at the Teratology Society Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado. Nicole's...
Nicole Sparks and Lauren Walker recognized at Annual Environmental Toxicology Student Symposium
The zur Nieden lab is proud to announce that Nicole and Lauren were both recognized for excellence in research at this year's...

zur Nieden lab welcomes Anne Brosemann!
The zur Nieden lab is happy to welcome our new Postdoctoral Scholar, Anne Brosemann, to the group! Dr. Brosemann heralds from the...

Lauren Walker represents zur Nieden lab at Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting
Lauren presented her most recent work at this past week's Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting, held this year in Baltimore, Maryland....

Nicole and Dr. zur Nieden present at Keystone Symposium in Olympic Valley, CA
Nicole and Dr. zur Nieden braved a blizzards and blackouts to present our latest tobacco and microRNA research this week at the...

Lauren Walker Leads Mentorship Workshop at NOBCChE National Meeting
Earlier this week, Lauren lead a mentorship workshop for undergraduate and graduate students at the National Organization for the...