zur Nieden Research Group at UC Riverside

Dr. Nicole I. zur Nieden
Associate Professor, UC Riverside
Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience
Dipl.-Biol. 1999 - University of Bochum, Germany
Dr. rer. nat. 2002 - Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Postdoctoral Fellow 2002-2006 - University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Awards and Honors:
2006, 2007: Alumni Award, Canadian Stem Cell Network Centres of Excellence
2007: Nobel Laureate Meeting, Lindau, Germany, Nominated and Selected Participant
2007: IQ Innovation Price Central Germany, Top Ten Finalist
2005: Leica Meritorious Performance Award, University of Calgary
2004: Best Poster Presentation, Canadian Stem Cell Network Annual General Meeting
2003 - 2005: Post-doctoral Fellowship, Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research

Dr. Thomas Spaeter
Postdoctoral Fellow
B.Sc Hochschule Kaiserslautern
M.Sc Hochschule Kaiserslautern
Ph.D. Universität des Saarlandes
Postdoctoral Fellow: Universität des Saarlandes
Postdoctoral Fellow: Cedars-Sinai

Ariana Hardy
PhD Candidate Cell, Molecular, Developmental Biology
B.S., Biology, Oklahoma State University
Research Interests: miRNAs and their role in osteogenesis
Awards and Honors:
2022: CIRM TRANSCEND Fellowship
2021-2022:Outstanding Teaching Assistant in Department of Molecular, Cell, and Systems Biology
Soh R and Hardy A, zur Nieden NI. The FOXO signaling axis displays conjoined functions in redox homeostasis and stemness. Free Radic Biol Med. 2021 Jun;169:224-237.

Piunik Babakhanis
PhD Student Cell Molecular Developmental Biology

Ruthia Soh
PhD Candidate, Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology
B.S., Biology, Azusa Pacific University
Research Interests: Hyperglycemia and its effects on pluripotency
Awards and Honors:
2021: CIRM TRANSCEND Fellowship
Soh R and Hardy A, zur Nieden NI. The FOXO signaling axis displays conjoined functions in redox homeostasis and stemness. Free Radic Biol Med. 2021 Jun;169:224-237.
Yang, Y. Y., Soh, R., Vera-Colón, M., Huang, M., Zur Nieden, N. I., & Wang, Y. (2023). Targeted Proteomic Profiling Revealed Roles of Small GTPases during Osteogenic Differentiation. Analytical chemistry, 95(17), 6879–6887. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.2c05781

Kanwalpreet Kaur Bajwa
Master Student in Biotechnology & Bioinformatics at Cal State Channel Islands

Christina Oviya Jones Tarcius Doss
Master student at UCR

Prospective Students
Students interested in joining zur Nieden lab should contact Dr. zur Nieden directly.
Lab Alumni

Dr. Nicole Sparks
University of California Irvine Assistant Professor
PhD, Environmental Toxicology, UC Riverside
M.S., California State University, San Bernardino
B.S., La Sierra University
Research Interests: Teratogenic effects of reactive oxygen species during embryonic development, specifically on an osteogenic endpoint.
Selected Awards and Honors:
2019: Trainee Showcase Selected Presenter, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
2018: UCR Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Riverside
2017: Student Travel Scholarship, Teratology Society
2017: Honorable Mention Best Presenter Award, Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program Annual Student Symposium
2017: Earle C. Anthony Travel Award, UC Riverside
2016: Student’s Choice Best Presenter Award, Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program Annual Student Symposium
2016: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, UCR Teaching Assistant Development Program
2016: Stem Cell Center Travel Award, UC Riverside
2015: Best Poster, 12th International Persistent Toxic Substances Symposium
2015: MARC Travel Award, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
2015: Student Travel Scholarship, Teratology Society
2015: Best Abstract, 4th Annual Inland Empire Stem Cell Consortium
2015: Honorable Mention Best Presenter Award, Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program Annual Student Symposium
2015: Dissertation Research Award, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
2015: Graduate Research Mentoring Program (GRMP) Award, UC Riverside
2014: Best Student Choice Presenter Award & Honorable Mention Best Presenter Award, Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program Annual Student Symposium
2013: Best First Year Presenter Award, Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program Annual Student Symposium
2012: International Foundation for Ethical Research Fellowship
2012: Cornelius Hopper Diversity Award, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program,
Selected Publications:
Martinez IKC, Sparks NRL, Madrid JV, Affeldt H 3rd, Vera MKM, Bhanu B, zur Nieden NI. (2018) Video- based kinetic analysis of calcification in live osteogenic human embryonic stem cell cultures reveals the developmentally toxic effect of Snus tobacco extract. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2018.11.006
Madrid JV, Sera SR, Sparks NRL, zur Nieden NI. (2018) Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Assess Developmental Toxicity in the Osteogenic Lineage. Methods Mol Biol. 1797:125-145
Sparks NRL, Martinez IKC, Soto C, zur Nieden NI. (2017) Low osteogenic yield in human pluripotent stem cells associates with differential neural crest promoter methylation. Stem Cells. doi:10.1002/stem.2746
Sparks NRL, Bottom R, Madrid J, zur Nieden NI. A comprehensive assay to predict skeletogenic developmental toxicity based on human pluripotent stem cells. Toxicological Sciences. in preparation
McClelland-Descalzo DL*, Satoorian TS*, Walker LM, Sparks NRL, Pulyanina PY, zur Nieden NI. (2016). Glucose-Induced Oxidative Stress Reduces Proliferation in Embryonic Stem Cells via FOXO3A/β-Catenin-Dependent Transcription of p21cip1. Stem Cell Reports. 7(1): 55-68.
Keller KC, Ding H, Tieu R Sparks NRL, Keller KC, Ehnes DD, zur Nieden NI. (2016) Wnt5a supports osteogenic lineage decisions in embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells Dev. 25(13):1020-32.
Sparks, N. R.L. and zur Nieden, N. I. (2014) Pluripotent Stem Cells as Tools to Assess Developmental Toxicity: Diversity Instead of Consolidation, in Handbook of Nanotoxicology, Nanomedicine and Stem Cell Use in Toxicology (eds S. C. Sahu and D. A. Casciano), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. doi: 10.1002/9781118856017.ch16

Dr. Darcie McClelland-Descalzo
Life Sciences Instructor
PhD, Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology, UC Riverside
B.A., Biology, University of San Diego
Research Interests: Effects of hyperglycemia on stem cell pluripotency; specifically, how a high glucose environment alters levels of TCF proteins and JNK leading to premature or inappropriate differentiation.
Awards and Honors:
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Biology
University Teaching Certificate Recipient
Student Affairs Outstanding Service Award for work on Student Conduct and Academic Integrity Programs
Elected Executive Vice President of UCR Graduate Student Association
Elected Graduate and Professional Student Committee Chair, University of California Student Association
Selected Publications:
McClelland Descalzo DL*, Satoorian TS*, Walker LM, Sparks NRL, Pulyanina PY, zur Nieden NI. (2016). Glucose-Induced Oxidative Stress Reduces Proliferation in Embryonic Stem Cells via FOXO3A/β-Catenin-Dependent Transcription of p21cip1. Stem Cell Reports. 7(1): 55-68.
McClelland Descalzo DL, Ehnes DD, and zur Nieden NI. (2014) "Stem Cells for Osteodegenerative Diseases: Current Studies and Future Outlooks". Regenerative Medicine. 9(2):219-30.

Dr. Ivann Martinez
Life Sciences Instructor
PhD, Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology, UC Riverside
B.S., Biology, California State University Long Beach
Research Interests: Development of Image –Based Assessment of Effects of Tobacco on Human Bone Development
Awards and Honors:
Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) Dissertation Research Fellow
National Science Foundation (NSF)-Integrative Graduate Education Research Traineeship (IGERT) Fellow for Videobioinformatics
Selected Publications:
Ding H, Keller KC, Martinez IKC, Geransar RM, Nishikawa SG, Rancourt DE, zur Nieden NI. NO/beta-catenin Crosstalk Modulates Primitive Streak Formation Prior to Embryonic Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation Development 2013 140:e406;doi:10.1242/dev.094151

Joseph Madrid, MS
Instructor at CSU-San Bernardino

Dr. Veronica Puig-Sanvicens
Postdoctoral Fellow at Oregon State University
PhD, Bioengineering specializing in Tissue Engineering, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain
M.S., Bioengineering, Institut Quimic de Sarria, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain
B.S., Biology (specializing in both Cellular Biology & Genetics and Sanitary Biology), Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Awards and honors:
Fellowship Grant awarded by the Government of Andorra in partnership with the Foundation Credit Andorra
Selected publications:
Veronica A. C. Puig-Sanvicens, Carlos E. Semino, (2013) Self-assembling peptide scaffolds as innovative platform for drug and cell delivery systems in cardiac regeneration. Drug Delivery and Translational Research 3:330-335.
M.S., California State University, San Bernardino
B.S., Biological Sciences w/ Human Biology emphasis, UC Merced
Research Interests: In vitro assessment of teratogenic tobacco constituents and toxicological bioinformatics
Awards and Honors:
2015-2016: CIRM Stem Cell Scholar

Dr. Feyzan Özdal Kurt
Visiting Scholar/Associate Professor
Manisa Celal Bayar University, Department of Biology, Molecular Biology, Turkey
PhD, Manisa Celal Bayar University, The Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey
M.S., Manisa Celal Bayar University, The Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Turkey
B.S., Ege University, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Turkey
Selected Awards and Honors:
2017-2018: The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Science Fellowship Award. Turkey.
2017: Prof. Dr. Türkan Erbengi Research 3rd Award. 23. Electron Microscopy Congress, Turkey.
2016: Best Poster Prize. 1st International Cell Death Research Congress, Turkey.
2014: Best Poster Award. International I. Stem Cell and Cell Therapy Congress, The Green Park Kartepe Resort and Spa, Turkey.
2011: Best Poster Award. İnternational Endodontic Symposium “THE 4E'S OF ENDODONTICS: Education, Expertise, Ethics and Economics” Turkey.
2010: Poster Award. Bioengineering Congress, Tepekule, İzmir-Türkiye.
2006: Best Research Project 3rd Award. 2. National Romatologic Diseases Congress, Turkey.
Selected Publications:
Özdal Kurt F, Remziye Kendirci, Canan Türkoğlu, H. Seda Vatansever, Regulation of miRNA on Colon Cancer Stem Cells. Turk J Biochem, 41 (S4), 2016.
Özdal-Kurt F, Şen BH, Tuğlu I, Vatansever S, Türk BT, Deliloğlu-Gürhan I. Attachment and growth of dental pulp stem cells on dentin in presence of extra calcium. Arch Oral Biol. Aug;68:131-41. 2016.
Özdal-Kurt F, Tuğlu I, Vatansever HS, Tong S, Şen BH, Deliloğlu-Gürhan SI. The effect of different implant biomaterials on the behavior of canine bone marrow stromal cells during their differentiation into osteoblasts. Biotech Histochem. 91(6):412-22, 2016.

Steven Sera, MS
M.S., Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology, UC Riverside
B.S., Cell and Molecular Biology, San Francisco State University
Research Interests: miRNA regulation during osteogenesis
Awards and Honors:
2015: Deans’ Distinguished Fellowship
Sera SR, Zur Nieden NI. (2017) microRNA Regulation of Skeletal Development. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2017 Aug;15(4):353-366. doi: 10.1007/s11914-017-0379-7.

Gunoor Kaur
CIRM Intern

Mina Maximous
B.S. Biology, UC Riverside

Rick Campos
M.S. Microbiology, CSU-San Bernardino
Research Interests: Effects of Glucose Concentrations on Osteogenesis
Awards and Honors:
STEM Fellowship Recipient
RISE Program-Certificate of Excellence
Awards and Honors:
2012: STEM Fellowship Recipient
RISE Program-Certificate of Excellence

Gregory Smith
B.S Biology, CSU-San Bernardino
Research Interests: Effect of high glucose levels on early embryonic development and cell fate decisions.
Awards and Honors:
Student Research Grant, CSU San Bernardino
Golden Key International Honour Society, CSU San Bernardino
California Institure of Regenerative Medicine Student Research Fellowship

Madeline Vera-Colón
PhD Student, Environmental Toxicology
B.S., Psychology, UNC Greensboro
Research Interests: ramifications of tobacco products on embryonic skeletal health
Awards and Honors:
2018: Dean's Distinguished Fellowship
2020: Ford Foundation Fellowship Honorable Mention
2020: Honorable Mention Oral Presentation Environmental Toxicology Annual Student Symposium
Martinez IKC, Sparks NRL, Madrid JV, Affeldt H 3rd, Vera MKM, Bhanu B, zur Nieden NI. (2019) Video- based kinetic analysis of calcification in live osteogenic human embryonic stem cell cultures reveals the developmentally toxic effect of Snus tobacco extract. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.taap.2018.11.006

Dr. Omran Karmach
PhD, Biochemistry, UC Riverside

Desiree Williams
PhD Candidate, Cell, Moleuclar, and Developmental Biology
B.S., Forensic Science and Technology, John Jay College of Criminal Justice NY
Research Interests: miRNA regulation during osteogenesis

Dr. Tiffany Satoorian
Senior Scientist at Silver Lake Research Corporation
PhD, Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology, UC Riverside
B.S., Cell and Developmental Biology, UC Santa Barbara
Research Interests: Effect of high glucose levels on early embryonic development and cell fate decisions.
Awards and Honors:
2013: Outstanding Graduate Applicant, Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Society
2012: Honorable Mention, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, UC Riverside
2012: Dissertation Research Grant, UC Riverside
2011-2012: President, Association for Women in Science
2011: Recipient, World Stem Cell Summit Travel Award
2010: 1st Place Poster Presentation, UC Riverside Stem Cell Center Inauguration
Selected Publications:
McClelland-Descalzo DL*, Satoorian TS*, Walker LM, Sparks NRL, Pulyanina PY, zur Nieden NI. (2016). Glucose-Induced Oxidative Stress Reduces Proliferation in Embryonic Stem Cells via FOXO3A/β-Catenin-Dependent Transcription of p21cip1. Stem Cell Reports. 7(1): 55-68.
Satoorian TS, zur Nieden NI (2013). Metabolism in cancer cells and pluripotent stem cells. In: Hayat MA (ed), Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells, Vol9, pp83-92

Dr. Kevin Keller
Senior Manager in Oncology Pipeline Products at Amgen
PhD, Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology, UC Riverside
M.S., Biology, Hofstra University
B.S., Biology, Cornell University
Research Interests: Signals that control differentiation fate of pluripotent stem cells.
Awards and Honors:
2013: Dissertation Research Grant, UC Riverside
Selected Publications:
Keller KC, Ding H, Tieu R, Sparks NR, Ehnes DD, Zur Nieden NI. (2016) Wnt5a supports osteogenic lineage decisions in embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells and Development 25(13):1020-32.
Keller KC, zur Nieden NI (2011). Osteogenesis from pluripotent stem cells: neural crest or mesodermal origin? In: Kallos MS (ed), Embryonic Stem Cells - Differentiation and Pluripotent Alternatives. InTech ISBN 978-953-307-632-4, pp323-348
Walker L, Baumgartner L, Ast J, Keller KC, Trettner S, zur Nieden NI. (2015). Non-human primate and rodent embryonic stem cells are differentially sensitive to teratogens. Tox Reports. 2: 165-174.
Rodriguez B, Keller KC, zur Nieden NI, (2013) Suspension culture of pluripotent stem cells: effect of shear on stem cell fate. Critical Reviews in Eukaryotic Gene Expression. 24(1): 1-13.
Ding H, Keller KC, Martinez IC, Geransar RM, zur Nieden KO, Nishikawa SG, Rancourt DE, and zur Nieden NI. (2012). NO–β-catenin crosstalk modulates primitive streak formation prior to embryonic stem cell osteogenic differentiation. J Cell Sci. 125:5564-5577.

Dr. Devon Ehnes
Life Sciences Instructor and Freelance Science Writer
PhD, Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology, UC Riverside
B.S., Biology, University of California, Riverside
Research Interests: Role of miRNAs in Wnt signaling as it relates to osteogenesis and glucose metabolism.
Awards and Honors:
2015: Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Research Grant
2014: Best Oral Presentation, Clinical Translation of Stem Cells Conference
2013: First Place, Inland Empire Stem Cell Consortium Poster Presentation
2013: Graduate Research Mentoring Program Fellow
2012: Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
2012: Graduate Research Mentoring Program Fellowship
2010: Dean’s Distinguished Fellowship, UC Riverside
2010: Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Fellowship
Selected Publications:
Keller KC, Ding H, Tieu R, Sparks NR, Ehnes DD, Zur Nieden NI. (2016) Wnt5a supports osteogenic lineage decisions in embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells and Development 25(13):1020-32.
Ehnes DD, Gernasar RM, Rancourt DE, zur Nieden NI. (2015). Exogenous Nitric Oxide Enhances Calcification of Stem Cell Derived Osteogenic Cultures. Differentiation 89(3-4): 97-103.
Ehnes DD*, Price FD*, Shrive NG, Hart DA, Rancourt DE*, zur Nieden NI* (2015). Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Osteogenic Cultures Are Capable of Responding to Mechanical Oscillatory Compression Stress. Journal of Biomechanics 48(10) :1915-1921.
McClelland Descalzo DL*, Ehnes DD*, zur Nieden NI. (2014) Stem Cells for Osteodegenerative Diseases: Current Studies and Future Outlooks. Regenerative Medicine. Regenerative Medicine. 9(2), 219-230.
Keller KC, Ehnes DD, Dienelt A, zur Nieden NI (2012). Diabetic glucose impairs embryonic stem cell osteogenic differentiation through persistent activation of Akt. Journal of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine 8(2), 89

Dr. Anne Brosemann
Scientist at Miltenyi Biotec
Dipl. Biol., University of Rostock, Germany
Dr. rer. nat., University of Rostock, Germany
Research Fellow, Rostock University Medical Center, Germany
Research Interests: MicroRNAs in the molecular regulation of bone formation

Dr. Lauren Walker
Environmental Toxicology
PhD, Environmental Toxicology, UC Riverside
B.S., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UC Davis
Research Interests: Mechanisms of oxidative stress; biochemical etiology underlying skeletal birth defects driven by maternal use of harm-reduction tobacco products during pregnancy
Selected Awards and Honors:
2019: Teratology Society FASEB Howard Garrison Public Affairs Fellow
2018: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Institutional Predoctoral Trainee
2018: Honorable Mention, Society of Toxicology Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section Trainee Poster Competition
2018: Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership Committee Award, Society of Toxicology
2018: Southern California RC Student Travel Award, Society of Toxicology Southern California Regional Chapter
2017: Honorable Mention Best Presenter Award, Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program Annual Student Symposium
2016: MARTA James C. Bradford Memorial Best Trainee Poster Award, Teratology Society Annual Meeting
2016: Honorable Mention Best Presenter Award, Environmental Toxicology Graduate Program Annual Student Symposium
2016: Student Travel Award, Teratology Society Annual Meeting
2016: Southern California RC Student Travel Award, Society of Toxicology Southern California Regional Chapter
2015: Honorable Mention MAC Poster Competition, ASCB Annual Meeting
2015: MAC Travel Award, American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB)
2015: Advancing Science Travel Grant, National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers
2015: National Science Foundation GRFP Fellow
2014: Travel Scholarship, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
2014: Best First Year Presentation, Annual Environmental Toxicology Student Symposium, University of California, Riverside
Selected Publications:
McClelland-Descalzo DL*, Satoorian TS*, Walker LM, Sparks NRL, Pulyanina PY, zur Nieden NI. (2016). Glucose-Induced Oxidative Stress Reduces Proliferation in Embryonic Stem Cells via FOXO3A/β-Catenin-Dependent Transcription of p21cip1. Stem Cell Reports. 7(1): 55-68.
Tuong W*, Walker L*, and Sivamani R. (2015). Novel use of terpenoids for treatment of dermatological diseases: A systematic review of clinical trials. J. Altern. Complement. Med. 21(5): 261-268.
Walker L, Baumgartner L, Ast J, Keller KC, Trettner S, zur Nieden NI. (2015). Non-human primate and rodent embryonic stem cells are differentially sensitive to teratogens. Tox Reports. 2: 165-174.
Tuong W*, Walker L*, and Sivamani R. (2015). Polyphenols as novel treatment options for dermatological diseases: A systematic review of clinical trials. J Dermatol Treat. 26(4):381-8.

Dr. Dorota Kaniowska
Postdoctoral Researcher at Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig
M.S. Biology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Doctor Rerum Medicarum, University of Leipzig, Germany
Research Interests: MicroRNAs in the molecular regulation of bone formation
Awards & Honors:
2010: Promega SwitchGear mini-grant competition, Top Ten Finalist
2010: International Society for Stem Cell Research, Travel Award
2011: World Stem Cell Summit, Pasadena, Travel Award
2013: Poster prize, World Conference on Regenerative Medicine Leipzig Poster title “The therapeutic potential of microRNA 665 and its modulatory effect on osteogenic differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells”
Michael Hanna
B. S. Biology, UC Riverside

Riley Bottom
PhD Student, Neuroscience, University of California, Riverside
B.S. Neuroscience, UC Riverside
Research Interests: Teratogenic effects of reactive oxygen species during embryonic development, specifically on an osteogenic endpoint.
Jolie Carreon
Undergraduate Student

In progress: B.S. Biology, UC Riverside
Research Interests: Phenotypic changes in bone development caused by tobacco exposure.
Awards and Honors:
2017: RISE CNAS Scholar

Jasmine Stamps
Research Associate at Cedars-Sinai
B.S. Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology, UC Riverside

Linh Blackney
Lab Manager at UC Riverside
B.S., Biology, UC Riverside
Research Interests: Effects of microRNAs in molecular regulation
Awards and Honors:
2015: MARC U* Trainee

Amanda Messrah
B.S. CSU-San Bernardino

Timothy Vanny
Cellular Therapy Specialist at Kite Pharma, Inc
B.S. CSU-San Bernardino

Rama Manneh
Undergraduate Student, Neuroscience

Nicholas Ventura
Graduate Student Consultant at Roche Sequencing Solutions
B.S., Cell, Molecular, Developmental Biology, UC Riverside

Adriane Ocampo
B.S. Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering, UC Berkley
Research Interests: Effects of microRNAs in molecular regulation
Awards and Honors:
2014: RISE Summer Scholar

Anja Jung
Undergraduate Student, Microbiology
Hannah Navarrete
Undergraduate Student

In progress: B.S. Biochemistry, UC Riverside
Awards and Honors:
2017: MARC U* Trainee
2016: SALSA Scholar