zur Nieden Lab Heads to IESCC at the California University of Science and Medicine
zur Nieden lab members headed to the annual IESCC symposium held this year at California University of Science and Medicine. Post-doc...

Undergraduate Rumaan Cheema Presents at the RISE/MARC Symposium
Undergraduate Rumaan Cheema gave a poster presentation showcasing her research that she did as a undergraduate summer researcher. Her ...

Ruthia Gives an Oral Presentation at WCSDB 2023
West Coast Society of Developmental Biology 2023 was held at San Luis Obispo, CA. Graduate student Ruthia showcased her project at the...

Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Symposium Feat. Chris Michael Gatdula
Chris Michael Gatdula showcased his undergraduate research at the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Symposium....

Congratulations to Desiree for Defending Her Thesis!
Graduate Student and Bioinformatics expert Desiree Williams defended her Master's Thesis today! Her presentation titled: "An R Shiny App...

Ruthia and Dr. zur Nieden Showcase Their Work at SfRBM
Graduate student Ruthia and Dr. zur Nieden flew to Orlando, Florida for the annual Society for Redox Biology and Medicine where they both...

zur Nieden Lab Presents at IESCC 2022
The annual Inland Empire Stem Cell Consortium took place at Cal State San Bernardino on Friday November 4th. Two graduate students,...

Dr. zur Nieden Presents at the 2022 MCSB Fall Symposium!
This year's CMDB Symposium was held at the Botanic Gardens with the whole MCSB department participating. Dr. zur Nieden was one of the...

zur Nieden Lab Presents at First STRIDE Symposium
UCR Riverside established a new STEM program, in collaboration with CIRM, named STRIDE that aims at providing laboratory experience for...

Congratulations to Madeline on Her Defense!
On June 10th at noon, Madeline Vera-Colón has successfully defended her Master's thesis! The zur Nieden lab is proud of Madeline and look...